When you send your resume, never include personal information. Legitimate companies will not ask you to email personal information such as your bank account or Social Security number. Be vigilant.
Create an employer account to post and manage jobs in NorthEastern Ontario. It's free and easy!
Get Started!This region comprises the Town of Moosonee and five First Nation Communities: Attawapiskat, Fort Albany, Kashechewan, Moose Factory and Peawanuck.
On this portal, you will find hundreds of current, regional job opportunities for full-time and part-time employment. This is the place for job seekers and employers to connect in Ontario's Far North East!
Why use JobsIn? Browse JobsCreate a free account to be the first
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The Employee Sharing Tool matches employers requiring similar skill sets of non-full-time employees. Once employers are matched, an arrangement can be made to share employees in order to fit respective individual labour needs. This in turn allows non-full-time employees to attain full-time or additional hours, thereby increasing the retention of talent in Northern Ontario.
Employee Sharing Tool
Peawanuck Directory of Services
Attawapiskat Directory of Services
Fort Albany Directory of Services
Kashechewan Directory of Services
Moose Factory Directory of Services
Moosonee Directory of Services
Employment Ontario
Service Canada
Diversity Canada